SECCNE SECCN5电镀锌钢板1.0mm美容医疗手术室墙面电解板可喷涂规格齐全 ...

2021-12-9 10:53
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

热镀锌和电镀锌是镀锌钢板的常见两种不同工艺。Hot galvanizing and galvanizing are two different processes of galvanized steel plates.热浸镀锌钢板是将薄钢板浸入熔解的锌槽中,使其表面粘附一层锌的薄钢板。 ...


Hot galvanizing and galvanizing are two different processes of galvanized steel plates.


Hot dip galvanized plate is a thin sheet immersed into a molten zinc tank to attach its surface to a layer of zinc.At present, the continuous galvanizing process is mainly used, that is, the rolled steel plate is continuously immersed in the molten galvanized plating tank to make a galvanized steel plate.


Hot galvanizing principle: when the surface treated steel workpiece enters the Zn molten liquid (molten zinc ingot at high temperature 440), the iron matrix reacts with the molten zinc, and the iron is dissolved to form a solid solvent of Zn in-Fe; spreads to produce the Fe-Zn alloy compound; when the workpiece leaves the zinc molten liquid, the pure molten Zn is covered over the alloy layer to form a pure Zn layer.


Hot galvanized plate by rectangular plate and hot galvanized plate by coil.


Due to the different substrates used, hot galvanized steel plates can be divided into hot rolled galvanized sheets and cold rolled hot galvanized sheets, which are mainly used in construction, home appliances, automobiles, containers, transportation and home industry.Especially the steel structure construction, automobile manufacturing, steel plate window manufacturing and other industries.


In general, thermal galvanization is an effective way of metal anticorrosion, mainly used in metal structural facilities in various industries.It is a technology of soaking steel, stainless steel and cast steel into molten liquid metal to obtain coating or alloy.It is the most widely used and optimal performance price method in the world.Hot galvanized products play an immeasurable and irreplaceable role in corrosion reduction and life extension, energy saving and energy saving materials. At the same time, coated steel is also a high value-added short-term product of national support and priority development.






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