DX51D+AZ150镀铝锌泳池围板首钢耐指纹覆铝锌钢板表面可贴膜保护 ...

2021-11-16 10:59
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

泳池所在场所温度高、湿度大,普通钢板很难有效防止板材生锈。泳池采用镀铝锌板制做泳池围板。资料显示,镀铝锌综合防腐能力为相同厚度镀锌的4倍。The swimming pool has high temperature and humidity, so it is d ...


The swimming pool has high temperature and humidity, so it is difficult for ordinary steel plate to effectively prevent plate rust.The pool is made of aluminum galvanized pool enclosure plate.The data show that the comprehensive corrosion resistance capacity of aluminum galvanizing is 4 times that of the same thickness.


In terms of materials, the traditional disassembly and assembly swimming pool generally adopts galvanized steel plate, the life is about 15 years; and the prefabricated swimming pool uses aluminum galvanized steel plate with better performance and longer life, the service life of up to 50 years.


Steel plate swimming pool is a kind of combined and assembled steel plate swimming pool.Compared to the traditional reinforced steel swimming pool, steel pool of hot dip galvanized steel, 304 stainless steel or 316 stainless steel materials, can provide more stable structure, better waterproof performance and more convenient maintenance.


Characteristics of steel plate structure: realize modular design, customized design; site installation is good and fast; is an ideal choice for high water level, low soil endurance area, is certified as a seismic structure.

围板结构特点:重量轻、能适应部分特殊地形;搭配一体化设备使用;不适用于高层或屋顶泳池 ,价格较混凝土高,较钢板泳池低。

Characteristics of enclosure structure: light weight, can adapt to some special terrain; use with integrated equipment; not suitable for high-rise or roof swimming pool, higher price than concrete, lower than steel plate swimming pool.





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