
2021-11-13 10:12
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

水暖炕:又称为热水循环炕。目前市场产品主要有镀铝锌板水暖炕、水暖毯、EPS保温板水暖炕,水暖榻榻米等,都是将水注入控制器,加热后,由泵输送到炕上的水管中,实现对炕加热的功能。Water heating kang: also know ...


Water heating kang: also known as hot water circulation kang.At present, the main market products include aluminum galvanized board water heating kang, water heating blanket, EPS thermal insulation board water heating kang, water heating tatami, etc., are water injected into the controller, heated, by the pump is transported to the water pipe on the kang, to realize the function of heating the kang.


Baosteel fingerprint resistant aluminum galvanized steel plate surface is unique to smooth, flat and gorgeous star flowers, silvery white base color.Special coating structure gives it excellent corrosion resistance.The normal service life of aluminum galvanized plate can reach 25a, with good heat resistance and can be used in high temperature environment of 315℃; coating and paint film have good adhesion, good processing performance, stamping, cutting, welding, etc.; surface conductivity is very good.


The aluminized plate water heating kang is an energy-saving product that holds the 8mmPERT floor heating pipe to the aluminum galvanized board through the polyurethane foam material, and sends the heated water pump to the pipe through the controller, so as to realize the heating on the upper surface of the board and no heat loss on the lower surface.Material characteristics: 1) Aluminized galvanized plate is 0.5mm metal plate, which ensures the uniform thermal conductivity of the upper surface of the kang plate and realizes the 10-year quality guarantee of the product.2) The PERT floor heating tube has good thermal conductivity and long life span, and can be used for 50 years.3) Polyurethane foam is currently recognized as the most environmentally friendly and thermal insulation material. At present, it is applied in refrigerators, electric water heaters, chairs and other products, and it is the only thermal insulation material that can be used indoors.





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