热浸锌镀锌钢格栅板厂家热镀锌卷板 ... ...

2020-8-17 09:54
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀锌钢格栅板为什么采用热镀锌?因为热镀锌又称为热浸镀锌,热镀锌是将密型热浸锌钢格栅除油、酸洗、浸药,烘干后浸入熔化的锌液里提出来变能够,锌层厚,一般能够到达70-80微米以上。密型热浸锌钢格栅的热镀锌表面 ...


Why is the galvanized steel grille plate used as hot-dip galvanized?



Because hot galvanizing is also known as hot dip galvanizing, hot galvanizing is the dense hot dip zinc steel grille oil, pickling, medicine, drying after immersed in the molten zinc liquid to change, zinc layer thick, generally can reach more than 70-80 microns.The hot dip galvanized surface treatment of dense hot dip zinc steel grating is also called hot dip zinc, which is melting the zinc plate or zinc block at high temperature, then put some auxiliary materials, and then immerse the metal structure into the zinc tank, so that a layer of zinc is attached to the metal members.Hot-dip galvanizing is the steel body under the condition of hot dip surface galvanizing, its adhesion is very strong, not simple drop.The advantage of hot dip galvanizing lies in its strong anti-corrosion ability, the adhesion and hardness of galvanized layer.The thickness of the zinc layer reaches 100um.



For many users, this product can effectively resist the interference of the external environment, hot dip galvanized steel grille panels play a certain rust resistance, so it will play a more superior role in various similar products, become the products to buy.



Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD is specialized in processing and selling hot galvanized steel grid plate, hot dip galvanized steel plate entity manufacturers, hot dip galvanized plate can be customized according to the requirements of customers to provide various specifications of hot dip galvanized steel plate, Foshan Wanqing materials hot dip galvanized manufacturers perfect after-sales service is the fundamental guarantee to win customer trust, Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD will at the right price, excellent product quality to meet your needs.





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