
2020-9-21 15:06
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

什么是RAL色卡?自从1927年,当RAL涉入色彩时,就创建了一种统一的语言 ,为丰富多彩的颜色建立标准统计和命名,这些标准在世界范围内被广泛的理解和应用。 4位数的RAL颜色作为颜色标准已达70年之久,至今为止已发展 ...

什么是RAL色卡?自从1927年,当RAL涉入色彩时,就创建了一种统一的语言 ,为丰富多彩的颜色建立标准统计和命名,这些标准在世界范围内被广泛的理解和应用。 4位数的RAL颜色作为颜色标准已达70年之久,至今为止已发展到200多种。无光泽的颜色基础色卡为RAL-840HR,有光泽的为841-GL,这些颜色基本色块满足了大范围的应用,已被许多重要公司及研究机构所使用。RAL-840HRRAL-841GL 颜色注册都作为颜色样本应用于设计中,同时它们也包括了安全和信号色符合DINISO规定的颜色要求。

What is ral color card? Since 1927, when ral was involved in color, it has created a unified language to establish standard statistics and naming for colorful colors. These standards are widely understood and applied all over the world. The 4-digit ral color has been used as the color standard for 70 years, and has developed to more than 200 kinds so far. The basic color cards of matte colors are ral-840hr and that of glossy colors are 841-gl. These basic color blocks meet a wide range of applications and have been used by many important companies and research institutions. Ral-840hr and ral-841gl color registration are used as color samples in the design. At the same time, they also include safety and signal colors, which meet the color requirements specified in din and ISO.



Ral design system has been developed for professional color design, especially for the construction industry. It contains 1688 colors arranged in a regular order. Therefore, the seven digit color is divided into a separate ral color. Different from the ral classical color card, the color code of the ral design system is not arranged arbitrarily. The seven digit color shows the technical measurement values of chromaticity, brightness and chromaticity (color saturation) HLC. Because the color number is based on the international standard CIE color solid, the coding is clear and easy to understand. You can find any color you want to choose. It is an excellent tool for designers and other color related personnel. It will be very easy to use the coordinated color combination of this system.



There are many colors of color coated steel plates. There are many color choices for ordinary PE Baosteel color coated rolls. The service life of color coated rolls is closely related to the environment, reflectance, absorptivity and illumination. Therefore, when customers choose to purchase Baosteel color coated roll, they should consider the local climate, sunshine, climate and other issues, and comprehensively select the color, so that the Baosteel color coated roll you choose can give full play to its service life and color characteristics. For specific problems, customers are welcome to telephone consultation, Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. will make every effort to select the color coating roll suitable for your project.



Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. provides one-stop services for Baosteel color coating roll leveling, slitting, molding, warehousing and distribution. The company takes customers as the goal, product quality as the purpose and service as customers. For a long time, it has been based on Lecong steel market. It is your trusted quality supplier. We will welcome you with 24-hour consulting service telephone 13380241768 quality service!






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