钢结构楼承板Q235热镀锌压型钢板加工销售建筑厂房专用钢承板可定制 ...

2022-3-19 10:01
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

楼承板,也叫压型钢板、钢承板、钢楼承板。即所有经压板机压制成型的钢板的统称。楼承板是采用镀锌钢板经辊压冷弯成型,其截面成V型、U型、梯形或类似这几种形状的波形,主要用作永久性模板,也可被选为其他用途。Bu ...


Building bearing plate, also called pressure type steel plate, steel bearing plate, steel building bearing plate.That is, all pressed plate press pressed steel plate.Building bearing plate is using galvanized steel plate by roller pressure cold bending molding, its section into V, U, trapezoidal or similar to the shape of the waveform, mainly used as a permanent template, can also be selected for other purposes.


Building bearing plate galvanizing mainly plays an anti-corrosion effect.The pressed steel plate shall be hot galvanized and not galvanized steel plate.The total content of the double-sided galvanizing layer should meet the requirement of no embroidery loss during use. 120-275g / m2 is recommended.


Common building bearing board has Q235 and Q345. Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. provides the general three widths, respectively 1000mm, 1250mm, 1500mm, other width to be completed, the cost is naturally more expensive.


Compared with civil engineering, the main advantages of building bearing plate are fast construction, working-saving, time-saving concrete, good effect, no need for maintenance, it is directly used as a template, and durable.(Because the building bearing plate can be multi-layer construction) anti-inflammatory performance is strong, good seismic performance and can be modified and reused.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. is located in China's high-quality steel area of Lecong steel market, the company produces and sells CZ steel, color steel plate pressing plate and galvanized building bearing plate.Main steel bar truss building bearing plate, aluminum magnesium manganese alloy plate.With many years of strict standardized management, the company has developed into a professional environmental enterprise.As an enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, we are willing to write a good market reputation, noble corporate image with friends from all walks of life to write a new chapter of urban construction!





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