家用电烤箱内胆材质镀锌板有花无花切割分条开平镀铝钢板搪瓷钢板 ...

2022-2-24 10:30
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

近几年,烘焙被越来越多人所熟知,亲手做食物成为了许多人排解烦闷的选择,亲手做食物不仅可以放心地吃,送朋友也包含了满满的心意。电烤箱绝对是不错的工具。In recent years, baking is well known by more and mo ...


In recent years, baking is well known by more and more people. Making food by hand has become a choice for many people to relieve boredom. Making food by hand can not only eat at ease, but also send friends full of heart.Electric oven is definitely a good tool.


However, the price of an electric oven varies from 200 yuan to 2,000 yuan, the price is also baked food, why the price varies so much?So where is the difference in ovens at different prices?



| The inner bile material



galvanized sheet

Ovens at different price points use different inner materials.There are many kinds of inner materials, among which the cheapest is galvanized plate.Most ovens with low price will choose this material, which can withstand the high temperature of 300 degrees, corrosion resistance, and can basically meet the requirements of the oven for the internal bladder (the highest temperature in the oven is 250 degrees).Due to the chemical properties of zinc, the oxidation process accelerates at 225and above.After a long time, the resulting zinc oxide is attached to the oven bile, which is difficult to clean after being stained with oil.Galvanized steel plate cost is the lowest, the market more than hundreds of yuan of the oven are using galvanized steel plate.(In addition, if not specifically stated, it should also be a galvanized liner.



Aluminum plated steel plate

At present, aluminized steel plates are gradually replacing galvanized plates, which last longer (60% longer) and can withstand 600, with better corrosion resistance and antioxidant characteristics.





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