钢结构屋面檩条热浸镀锌Z型钢c型钢镀锌檩条_什么是镀锌檩条? ...

2022-4-15 16:02
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

什么是镀锌檩条?What is a galvanized purlin?镀锌檩条就是镀锌的檩条锌易溶于酸,也能溶于碱,故称它为两性金属。锌的标准电极电位比钢铁负。若基体是钢铁,镀层破损或遭腐蚀生成Fe-Zn原电池时,锌镀层属于阳极性 ...


What is a galvanized purlin?


Galvanized purlin is galvanized purlin zinc easily soluble in acid, can also be soluble in alkali, so it is called an amphotropic metal.The standard electrode potential of zinc is negative than of steel.If the substrate is steel and the coating is damaged or corroded to generate the Fe-Zn original battery, the zinc coating is an anodic coating, which is sacrificed and dissolved to protect the steel.Therefore, the galvanized layer on steel is not a simple mechanical protection, but through electrochemical action to protect the matrix from corrosion, even if the zinc layer is incomplete.What's more, the corrosion resistance of zinc layer is largely determined by the corrosion resistance of passivation film on the coating layer. The corrosion resistance of passivation of zinc coating can be generally improved by about 8~20 times.Horizontal parts distributed along the length of the roof, located on the main rafters, support the secondary roof rafters.Ancient houses used to lift the rafters, make the roof of the horizontal wood, is one of the main components of the building.


Galvanized purlin has excellent anti-corrosion performance, good forming and beautiful surface. The main materials of galvanized purlin are divided into Q235 and Q345.

c镀锌檩条是采用镀锌钢板,经辊压冷弯成型,壁薄自重轻,截面性能优良,强度高,与传统槽钢相比,同等强度可节约材料30%C型镀锌檩条檩条成型机自动加工成型的。可根据给定的檩条尺寸就可以自动完成成型工艺。它适用于工业与民用建筑、仓库、特种建筑、大跨度钢结构房屋的屋面、墙面以及内外墙装饰等,具有质轻、高强、色泽丰富、施工方便快捷、抗震、防火、防雨、寿命长、免维护等特点,现已被广泛推广应用彩钢围护建筑系统。 可根据客户要求定做各种材质C型钢檩条,Q235,Q345低合金,耐侯钢,Q456等,镀锌型钢可定做275克锌层或以上的特殊品质材料,出口产品可打出口包装。檩条厚度一般为1.6-3.0mm之间,截面高多为120-350mm之间。

c-type steel galvanized purlin is made of galvanized steel plate, formed by roller pressure cold bending, thin wall weight, excellent section performance, high strength, compared with traditional trough steel, the same strength can save 30% of the material.C-type galvanized purlin purlin molding machine automatic processing molding.The molding process can be completed automatically with the given purlin size.It is suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouse, special buildings, long-span steel structure building roof, wall and interior and exterior wall decoration, light, strong, rich color, convenient construction, seismic, fire prevention, rain, long life, maintenance free characteristics, has been widely used color steel envelope building system.According to the customer requirements of various materials C type steel purlin, Q235, Q345 low alloy, durable steel, Q456, etc., galvanized steel can be customized 275 grams of zinc layer or above special quality materials, export products can be export packaging.The thickness of the purlin is generally between 1.6-3.0mm, and the section height is mostly between 120-350mm.






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