热浸镀锌H型钢Q235B工字钢镀锌工字钢_工字钢与H型钢有什么区别? ... ...

2022-2-15 16:50
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

工字钢与H型钢有什么区别?常有人问到工字钢与H型钢形状相似,在实际运用中如何选择?很多从事多年建筑行业的人员都不能详解。工字钢工字钢如名所示,是一种“工”字形截面型钢,上下翼缘内表面有倾斜度,一般为1:6 ...


What is the difference between I-beam and H-beam? It is often asked that the shape of I-beam is similar to that of H-beam. How to choose it in practical application? Many people who have been engaged in the construction industry for many years can't explain it in detail.


工字钢如名所示,是一种字形截面型钢,上下翼缘内表面有倾斜度,一般为16,使得翼缘外薄而内厚,因此造成工字钢在两个主平面的截面特性相差巨大,在应用中难以发挥刚才的强度特性。虽然工字钢市场上上也出现了加厚工字钢,但工字钢的结构已经决定了其抗扭性能短板。工字钢主要分为普通工字钢、轻型工字钢和宽翼缘工字钢。按翼缘与腹板高度比又分为宽幅、中幅、窄幅宽翼缘工字钢。前两者生产的规格为10-60号,即相应的高度为10-60cm在相同高度下,轻型工字钢翼缘窄、腹板薄、重 量轻。宽翼缘工字钢又称H型钢,断面特点是两腿平行,且腿内侧没有斜度。它属于经济断面型钢,是在四辊万能轧机上轧制的,所以又称万能工字钢。工字钢的型号有10121420a20b22a24b30a30b27a27b等。工字钢又叫做钢梁,意思是截面为工字形的长条钢材,一般用于各种车辆、支架、建筑结构、桥梁、机械等。工字钢的规格用腰宽的厘米值表示,例如10号工字钢,其腰宽就是10cm。对于这类产品来说,它的翼缘比较宽大,侧向的刚度也比较大,所以在抗弯方面的性能非常不错,并且由于翼缘的两个表面是相互平行的,增加了连接、加工以及安装的便捷性,非常受欢迎。与普通的钢材相比,这类产品在成本上更低,精度高,且残余的应力比较小,不需要昂贵的焊接材质以及相关的检测技术,有效的节省了钢结构制作成本的30%,另外它的热轧H钢结构比传统结构重量减轻15%-20%


As the name indicates, I-beam is an I-shaped section steel. The inner surface of the upper and lower flanges has an inclination, generally 1:6, which makes the outer flange thin and the inner flange thick. Therefore, the section characteristics of I-beam in the two main planes are very different, and it is difficult to give full play to the strength characteristics in application. Although the thickened I-beam has also appeared in the I-beam market, the structure of the I-beam has determined its torsional performance. I-beam is mainly divided into ordinary I-beam, light I-beam and wide flange I-beam. According to the height ratio of flange to web, it is divided into wide, medium and narrow flange I-beams. The specifications of the first two are 10-60, that is, the corresponding height is 10-60cm. At the same height, the light I-beam has narrow flange, thin web and light weight. Wide flange I-beam, also known as H-beam, is characterized by two parallel legs and no inclination on the inner side of the legs. It belongs to economic section steel and is rolled on four high universal mill, so it is also called "universal I-beam". I-beam models include 10, 12, 14, 20a, 20b, 22a, 24b, 30a, 30b, 27a, 27b, etc. I-beam is also called steel beam, which means long steel with I-shaped section. It is generally used for various vehicles, supports, building structures, bridges, machinery, etc. The specification of I-beam is expressed in cm of waist width. For example, the waist width of No. 10 I-beam is 10cm. For this kind of products, its flange is relatively wide and its lateral stiffness is relatively large, so its performance in bending resistance is very good. Because the two surfaces of the flange are parallel to each other, it increases the convenience of connection, processing and installation, and is very popular. Compared with ordinary steel, this kind of product has lower cost, high precision, and small residual stress. It does not need expensive welding materials and relevant detection technology, which effectively saves 30% of the manufacturing cost of steel structure. In addition, its hot-rolled H steel structure reduces 15% - 20% of the weight of traditional structure.



H-section steel

H-section steel is a kind of economic section high-efficiency profile with more optimized section area distribution and more reasonable strength weight ratio. It is named because its section is the same as the English letter "H". Because all parts of H-section steel are arranged at right angles, H-section steel has the advantages of strong bending resistance, simple construction, cost saving and light structural weight in all directions, and has been widely used.





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