镀锌板是指表面镀有一层锌的钢板。镀锌是一种经常采用的经济而有效的防锈方法,世界上锌产量的一半左右均用于此种工艺。 镀锌钢板根据工艺的不同可分为热镀锌和电镀锌两大类。宝山钢铁股份有限公司拥有多个钢铁生产基地。
Galvanized plate is a sheet coated with a zinc.Galvanizing is an economical and effective rust prevention method,
and about half of the world's zinc production is used in this process.
Galvanized steel plate can be divided into hot galvanizing and galvanizing according to different processes.Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
has several steel production bases.Galvanized production is concentrated in the stock headquarters,
Zhanjiang Iron and Steel.Zhanjiang iron and steel is with iron, steel, hot rolling, cold rolling of steel manufacturing factory,
baosteel comprehensive baosteel manufacturing base in south China, equipment selection, engineering construction,
process configuration, production preparation are supported by baosteel headquarters staff,
in the absorption of baosteel existing technology accumulation on the basis of modern enterprises.
Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Manufacturing Base will form a regional advantage by covering the "southern market",
have certain advantages in logistics and transportation and contract delivery, and make up for Baosteel in some varieties and specifications.