
标题: 货架/接地/加工三角铁镀锌角钢50*5 装修幕墙切割拉弯加工 [打印本页]

作者: fsminQ    时间: 2021-12-21 15:27
标题: 货架/接地/加工三角铁镀锌角钢50*5 装修幕墙切割拉弯加工
Angle steel: Angle steel commonly known as Angle iron, is both sides vertical angular shape of long steel.
There are equal corner steel and unequal corner steel points.The two sides of equal ateral steel have equal width.
The specifications are expressed as millimeters of edge wide edge wide edge thickness.Such as "30303", that is,
indicates isobilateral steel with 30 mm edge width and 3 mm thickness of edge.
Angle steel can be composed of different stressed components according to the different needs of the structure,
or as a connection component between the components.It is widely used in a variety of building and engineering structures
such as building beams, bridges, transmission towers, lifting and transport machinery, ships, industrial furnaces, reaction towers,
container racks as well as warehouses.When the corner steel or corner iron is winding, the outside is stretched,
and the straight edge inside is kneaded, so the outside is extended, the inside is kneaded, forming the force is both uneven,
and the opposite force, and then form the processed corner steel production is not 90 straight, and there is likely to be folds.
This phenomenon generally appears in 5 # corner steel more obvious.

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