
2023-9-22 17:15
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

金属板覆膜技术是把塑料膜和金属板通过高温热压,将膜贴在金属板上的加工技术。覆膜技术较早用于制罐,可代替内涂、外涂技术,到现在为止已发展到了建材装潢、家电外壳、船舶内装等多种领域。Metal plate coating te ...


Metal plate coating technology is the plastic film and metal plate through high temperature hot pressure, the film on the metal plate processing technology. Film mulching technology was used in tank making earlier, can replace the internal coating, external coating technology, so far has developed to building materials decoration, home appliance shell, ship interior loading and other fields.

金属板覆膜技术膜加工由于不使用粘着剂、溶剂,所以不含甲醛,且塑料膜可经过美化装饰、防染等处理,确保了人体的健康、同时又起到了环保的作用。 可采用PET,PC,PE或PP薄膜与镀锌板,冷轧板,铝板,不锈钢板等金属板材进行覆合而成的。随着它的广泛应用,传统彩钢板生产工艺和技术将颠覆,生产率、生产成本、清洁卫生、环境保护等各个方面也都将前进一大步。

Metal plate mulching technology film processing because does not use adhesive, solvent, so does not contain formaldehyde, and plastic film can be beautified decoration, anti-dyeing and other treatment, to ensure the health of the human body, but also play a role in environmental protection. PET, PC, PE or PP film and galvanized plate, cold rolled plate, aluminum plate, stainless steel plate and other metal plates can be overdone. With its wide application, the traditional color steel plate production technology and technology will be overturned, productivity, production costs, cleanliness, environmental protection and other aspects will also be a big step forward.


Coinated color steel plate is used in construction home appliances and transportation and other industries, for the construction industry is mainly used in steel structure workshop, airport, warehouse and frozen and other industrial and commercial buildings roof walls and doors, civil buildings using color steel plate is less.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD. Traditional color coated steel plate is generally distributed to the form of a roll. We often see the color steel plate refers to the processed plate, the thickness of about 50~100mm, it is composed of the middle of the filler and two sides of the color steel plate. Among them, the thickness of the color steel plate has different thicknesses such as 0.4mm, 0.5mm, 0.6mm, and the middle layer can be polyurethane, rock wool or plastic foam. The substrate of color coated steel plate is cold rolled substrate, hot galvanized substrate and electrogalvanized substrate. The biggest advantage of this production process is that it can be evenly coated at high speed to achieve mass production, so as to adapt to the large demand of economic development. However, there are serious pollution problems, and the solvent coating contains volatile benzene, toluene, xylene, butyl acetate, acetone and other irritating toxic substances.

相比与传统彩钢板,覆膜彩钢板采用专用的改性复合膜结构,替代原有的涂料,解决VOCs排放的问题。目前,已开发的膜材料有PE、PET、PP、PA、PVF、PVDF 等,能够极大的改善这一情况,避免挥发性涂料的使用,减少环境污染问题。

Compared with the traditional color steel plate, the coated color steel plate adopts the special modified composite film structure, replacing the original coating, to solve the problem of VOCs emissions. At present, the developed membrane materials are PE, PET, PP, PA, PVF, PVDF, etc., which can greatly improve this situation, avoid the use of volatile coatings, and reduce the problem of environmental pollution.





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