
2022-8-25 12:18
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

随着我国建筑业的高速和飞速地发展,高层建筑及超高层的建筑物越来越多。建筑外脚手架的选择成为施工组织设计中的一件头等大事。施工者除考虑施工工艺及安全防护的要求外,其经济性也成为一个主要因素。这就出现了多 ...


With the rapid speed and rapid development of China's construction industry, more and more high-rise buildings and super high-rise buildings.The choice of building external scaffolding has become a top priority in the construction organization design.In addition to considering the requirements of construction technology and safety protection, its economy has also become a main factor.This has appeared a multi-functional climbing frame mesh, it is suitable for a variety of high-rise and super high-rise buildings, its simple structure, convenient operation, economic and durable advantages to let the majority of users are full of praise for it.


What is a climbing net?


Climb frame net is also known as: building climbing frame protection round hole mesh, scaffolding spray plastic protection mesh, building peripheral network, new climbing frame peripheral safety net, construction safety protection net.Outer frame steel plate net is also called climbing frame net, mainly because it can be used together with intelligent climbing frame.The two cooperation with each other, can greatly improve work efficiency and protect the safety of workers, many benefits.Building climbing frame net material is mainly of hot galvanized plate, cold galvanized plate, aluminum plate, color coated plate, low carbon steel plate.Color coating board climbing net is beautiful and beautiful, so that the overall image of the construction project more concise, neat, get rid of the chaotic appearance of the construction site scaffolding before.Fire retardant, prevent things from falling, high safety greatly reduces the occurrence of site safety accidents, can be reused, save costs.

爬架网用彩涂颜色常用的是蓝色的,其次是黄框绿网的。蓝色又分为深蓝浅蓝中蓝彩涂板整体尺寸为:1m*2m 1.5m*1.8m 1.2m*2m彩涂板厚度通常为0.5mm-1.2mm不等。如果客户想要定做别的颜色的彩涂钢板,我们也是可以定做的。

Climb frame net with color coating color is commonly used is blue, followed by yellow frame green net.Blue is divided into dark blue light blue medium blue; the overall size of color coating plate is: 1m * 2m 1.5m*1.8m 1.2m * 2 m; color coating plate thickness is usually 0.5mm-1.2mm.If the customer wants to make another color painted steel plate, we can also make it.





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