太钢8K不锈钢镜面板电镀加工拉丝银不锈钢板电梯用304不锈钢板定制 ... ...

2022-1-11 09:59
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

我们看到的电梯,十有八九用的都是不锈钢,而且还是做了镜面效果。其中一个很重要的原因就是不锈钢材料性价比高,价格不高而且实用!另外还有一个原因,了解一种原理叫作“平面镜成像原理”,也就是当电梯里选择使用 ...


The elevator we see, nine out of ten, are stainless steel, and still do a mirror effect.One of the very important reasons is that the stainless steel materials are cost-effective, the price is not high and practical!There is also another reason why, Understanding one principle is called the "plane mirror imaging principle.", That is, when the elevator uses stainless steel with a mirror, Due to the role of the "plane mirror imaging principle", One sees the "self" in the mirror, Visually, you feel the distance from "yourself" in the mirror, That small space in the elevator, Because, under this visual effect, It seems less "cramped"; And the designer is under this condition, For the beauty, Stainless steel mirror plates with color (plating process) and pattern (etching process) will be used, This can keep the appearance of the elevator, It can also accommodate each passenger's ride experience, It can also consider the cost of the elevator materials, Kill three birds with one stone.This explains why most of the materials used in the elevator are made with stainless steel mirror plates.






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