佛山万庆彩钢瓦厂家_0.5彩涂板卷加工压型车棚屋顶隔热铁皮瓦不褪色 ...

2021-7-13 14:48
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

彩钢瓦是使用彩色钢板经由压型的机器压制成各种瓦型用于厂房屋面,或者墙面围挡使用,单彩色单层压型板。因为其鲜艳可以定制的颜色,简单的安装方式很多厂房建筑都会选择彩钢瓦。接下来我们就来认识一下为什么有的彩 ...


Color steel tile is the use of color steel plate through the press pressed into a variety of tile for plant roof, or wall enclosure, single color single layer pressure plate.Because of its bright color can be customized color, simple installation of many factory buildings will choose color steel tiles.Next, let's see why some color steel tile use for 10 years do not fade?


Generally color steel tile substrate is galvanized substrate, if customers have special requirements to use aluminum plated galvanized substrate can also be customized.In general, the thickness of the substrate is 0.02mm-0.05mm, and the zinc content of the substrate will directly affect the rust degree of color steel tiles, and the Baosteel color coating roll used by Wanqing materials in Foshan city has high zinc content and high rust resistance.



The paint film of colored steel tile



Thickness of paint film

In general, it is not that the thicker the paint film, the better. I believe you should understand that the thickness of the paint film is generally 0.15mm, and that of Shanghai Baosteel is 23 μ m. The film thickness of Guanzhou paint is 18-20 μ m


漆膜的固化程度直接影响彩钢瓦漆膜在受到外力时会不会发生变形脱落,这是很关键的因素之一,漆膜本省就是保护=彩钢瓦不生锈的关键因素之一,漆膜一旦脱落彩钢瓦紧接着就会发生生锈的现象,我们曾经做过一个实验就是验证彩钢瓦漆膜固化的T弯实验,在所有条件相同的情况下对彩钢瓦进行对折的T弯实验,一折为0T,两折为1T 依次类推,在经过3T后我们的彩钢瓦没在显微镜下没有出现任何的漆膜开裂现象,这就说明彩钢瓦的漆膜固化程度非常好。

Curing degree of paint film

The curing degree of the paint film directly affects whether the paint film of the color steel tile will deform and fall off when subjected to external force, which is one of the key factors. The paint film is one of the key factors to protect the color steel tile from rust in our province. Once the paint film falls off and the color steel tile is tight, rust will occur. We once conducted an experiment to verify the T-bend experiment of the curing of the paint film of the color steel tile, Under the same conditions, the T-bend test of color steel tile is carried out in half. One fold is 0t, two folds are 1t, and so on. After 3T, our color steel tile does not have any paint film cracking under the microscope, which shows that the paint film curing degree of color steel tile is very good.


佛山市万庆物资有限公司涂钢板具有良的加工性能,正常使用环境下,漆膜完整性保持10年以上。 欢迎广大客户致电133 9227 1865咨询

Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD. Color coated steel plate has good processing performance, under the normal use environment, the paint film integrity is maintained for more than 10 years.Customers are welcome to call 133 9227 1865 for consultation.





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