【佛山万庆物资钢材厂家】镜面不锈钢板不锈钢牌号304和201的区别? ...

2020-12-31 11:05
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

304不锈钢因其卓越的耐腐蚀性往往被用着内层(即直接与水接触),201不锈钢因为耐腐蚀性较差,不能用着内层,往往被用在保温水箱的外层。但是201比304价格低廉,往往会被一些不良商家冒充304使用,用201不锈钢制作的 ...


304 stainless steel is often used in the inner layer (i.e. in direct contact with water) because of its excellent corrosion resistance. 201 stainless steel is often used in the outer layer of insulated water tank because of its poor corrosion resistance. However, 201 is cheaper than 304, which is often used by some bad businesses as 304. The service life of stainless steel water tanks made of 201 stainless steel is very short, and they are often corroded by water in 1-2 years, leaving potential safety hazards to users.


不锈钢水箱用到的304201不锈钢,表面通常为亚光。所以我们通过肉眼看、手触摸的方式鉴别。肉眼看304不锈钢具有很好的光泽发亮,手触摸很顺滑;201不锈钢则颜色发暗 没有光泽,触摸有比较粗糙不光滑的感觉。另外将手沾湿水,分别触摸2种不锈钢板,触摸后304板上的水渍手印比较容易擦除,201不容易擦除。  

304 and 201 stainless steel are used in stainless steel water tanks, and the surface is usually matte. So we identify it by naked eye and hand touch. To the naked eye, 304 stainless steel has good luster and luster, and the hand touch is very smooth; 201 stainless steel has dark color and no luster. It feels rough and unsmooth when touched. In addition, wet your hand with water and touch two kinds of stainless steel plates respectively. After touching, the water stain fingerprint on 304 plate is easier to erase, but 201 is not easy to erase.



201 has high manganese content, bright surface with dark brightness, high manganese content and easy to rust. 304 contains more chromium, the surface is matte and does not rust When the two are put together, there is a comparison. The important thing is that the corrosion resistance is different. The corrosion resistance of 201 is very poor, so the price is much cheaper Because 201 has low nickel content, the price is lower than that of 304, so the corrosion resistance is not as good as that of 304.





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