fsminQ 发表于 2022-4-12 16:09:15


C型钢是多种钢材品种之一,在运行时,常温条件下有效纵向排列的一组轧辊,逐渐变形,达到符合使用要求的形状尺寸,然后确定尺寸,切割成相应的长度。这种产品就是冷弯型钢。当然,也可以使用冲压、折弯或拉拔等变形方法获得C型钢。C型钢主要是指钢板或钢铁,在冷状态下弯曲的各种截面形状的成品钢,C型钢也称为冷弯型材或冷弯型钢,是一种经济实惠的截面轻质薄膜钢材。C型钢是制作轻型钢结构的主要材料。它具有热连不能生产得非常薄、形状合理、复杂的截面。与热轧钢材相比,在相同的截面区域,旋转半径增加了50%~60%,截面惯性矩增加了0.5%~3.0倍,因此可以更合理地利用材料强度。C型钢品种在截面形状上有开口、半封闭和封闭,主要产品有冷弯槽钢、角钢、z型钢、冷弯波形钢板、方管、矩形管、焊接成型钢管、百叶窗等。一般生产的冷弯型钢厚度不超过6毫米,宽度不超过500毫米。C-type steel is one of a variety of steel varieties. During operation, a group of rollers effectively arranged under room temperature conditions, gradually deformed to meet the shape and size of the use, and then determine the size, cut into the corresponding length.This product is the cold-bent-type steel.Of course, you can also use stamping, bending, or pulling and other deformation methods to obtain C-type steel.C-type steel mainly refers to steel plate or steel, bending in the cold state of various section shapes of finished steel, C-type steel is also known as cold bending profile or cold bending steel, is an economical section of light film steel.C-type steel is the main material for making light steel structure.It has hot links that cannot be produced in very thin, reasonably shaped and complex sections.Compared with the hot-rolled steel, the radius of rotation increases by 50% to 60%, and the section moment of inertia increases by 0.5% to 3.0 times, so the material strength can be used more reasonably.C-type steel varieties in the section shape has the opening, semi-closed and closed, the main products are cold bending groove steel, angle steel, z-type steel, cold bending corrugated steel plate, square pipe, rectangular pipe, welded forming steel pipe, blinds, etc.General production of cold bent steel thickness does not exceed 6 mm, width does not exceed 500 mm.

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查看完整版本: 工程冷弯钢板热镀锌c型钢养殖厂用高锌层异型钢深加工切割