fsminQ 发表于 2022-1-18 15:42:41


C型钢品种繁多,从截面形状分,有开口的、半闭口和闭口的,主要产品有冷弯槽钢、角钢、Z型钢、冷弯波形钢板、方管、矩形管,电焊异型钢管、卷帘门等。通常生产的C型钢,厚度在6mm以下,宽度在500mm以下。国内常用规格有等边角钢(肢长25~75毫米)、内卷边角钢(肢长40~75毫米)、槽钢(高25~250毫米)、内卷边槽钢(高60~250毫米)、卷边Z形钢(高100~180毫米)等400多个规格、品种。产品广泛用于矿山、建筑、农业机械、交通运输、桥梁、石油化工、轻工、电子等工业。抗震支架是由C型钢和C型钢配件组成。抗震支架经过镀锌表面等加工工艺,锌层厚度符合国家规范标准,其特点是耐腐蚀,在建筑中使用更安全、且寿命更长。经过C型钢成型机、热卷板冷弯加工后成型,壁薄自重轻,截面性能好,与传统槽钢相比,强度高且可在同等强度比槽钢还节省下材料约30%。There are many kinds of C-type steel, from the section shape, open, semi-closed mouth and closed mouth, the main products are cold curved groove steel, corner steel, Z-shaped steel, cold bent wave steel plate, square pipe, rectangular tube, electric welding different type steel pipe, rolling curtain door, etc.Usually produced C type steel with thickness below 6mm and width below 500mm.Common domestic specifications include more than 400 specifications and varieties such as equal edge angle steel (25~75 mm long), inner coil edge angle steel (40~75 mm long), slot steel (25~250 mm high), inner coil edge groove steel (60~250 mm high), and winding edge Z-shaped steel (100~180 mm high).Products are widely used in mining, construction, agricultural machinery, transportation, bridge, petrochemical, light industry, electronics and other industries.The seismic bracket is composed of C steel and C steel fittings.Seismic support after galvanized surface and other processing technology, zinc layer thickness meets the national standards, its characteristics is corrosion resistant, safer use in the building, and a longer life.After C-shaped steel molding machine and hot coil plate after cold bending processing, the wall is thin with light weight and the section performance is good. Compared with traditional groove steel, high strength can save about 30% of the material compared with trough steel with the same strength.


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查看完整版本: 无尘车间型钢檩条系统有孔无孔烤漆c型钢C槽定尺加工定制