fsminQ 发表于 2021-11-18 16:01:21


非标槽钢,以槽钢的腰高、腿宽、腰厚和每米重量为标准,非标准的槽钢。主要是为了在不影响安全质量的前提下节省成本,在高、宽、厚上打折扣。例如10a#槽钢每米重量10.007kg,6米为60.042kg,如果一根6米非标10a#槽钢为40kg,那么我们称它为下差33.3%(1-40/60.042)。Non-standard groove steel, groove steel waist height, leg width, waist width and thickness as standard, non-standard groove steel.Mainly in order to save costs on the premise of not affecting the safety and quality, in the high, wide and thick discount.For example, the 10a # slot steel weighs 10.007kg per meter and 6 meter is 60.042kg, if a 6 meter non-standard 10a # slot steel is 40kg, then we call it the lower difference of 33.3% (1-40 / 60.042).

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查看完整版本: 广东轻型镀锌槽钢5#6.3#18#20#阁楼幕墙横梁立柱材料小规格